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Budget 4x4 Life
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Our Team Has Grown! Welcoming Nicole Petzer.

We are so excited to announce that Nicole, Dee’s fiancé, is officially joining the Budget 4x4 Life crew as our new Marketing Manager to handle all things social media, website development and more! We are so stoked for all that’s to come for the business and all of our awesome customers 🔥

We appreciate all your support that has led to making this decision a possibility for us. It is so rewarding and exciting seeing all the hard work paying off in the way it has. We promise, your support really does go a long way and is greatly appreciated. 

Here's to many more exciting things ahead!





Real World Tested Gear

We live and breathe 4wd and adventure. We are 3-time Pajero owners, and try and test all our gear so that you always get that "good buy" feeling.

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